Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hello, an introduction


A little about me, as less cliche as possible.  I'm currently on a journey to a healthier lifestyle.  My goal is to define what that means to me.  I'm 32 years old, overweight, out of shape and fed up.  To make a long story long...I began gaining weight around 24-25 years old, shortly after getting on a birth control injection, nicknamed Depo.  At my first shot I weighed 117 lbs at my last shot I weighed 178 lbs.  Yikes!  I've jumped on the fitness bandwagon and have fell off numerous times.  I've made many mistakes and have had several reoccurring pains and injuries.  I've  started over countless times and have given up even more.  Although there is plenty of information online, I realized the 'kick in the front door all or nothing' approach was hindering any progress I achieved.  So I decided to do things my way.  I'm learning there are many paths to any desired destination, I don't need to go in the front door, the side door, or even a window will do.

I love to juice, shop at farmer's markets, bargain shop, try new things, set small goals, etc etc, blah blah. I'd love to share those experiences with you.  Join me as I discover if vegans eat cheese?

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